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-SEP 9 1987 BOOK 69 PAGE332 <br />This being so, there is no end in sight. For the last four <br />years, 800 or more new single family residences have been built <br />each year, and the schools are predicting at least 500 new <br />students each year for the next 13 years. This would add the <br />equivalent of 16 classrooms. Mr. Walsh felt it is obvious that <br />it is time our public officials take steps to temporarily reduce <br />this influx long enough for them to regain control, and he felt <br />perhaps they should reduce the growth to 400 instead of 800 new <br />residences a year. He asked that the Commission find a way to <br />do something about this. <br />Chairman Scurlock informed him that through our zoning we <br />are attempting to have low density and low rise development, and <br />he believed that is reflected in our community. Also, in an <br />effort to see that new growth can better fund itself, we have <br />implemented impact fees on transportation, water and waste water, <br />and are looking at implementing impact fees for other items. We <br />also have tried to go to more and more of a user fee concept. <br />Fred Mensing, Roseland, believed it is probably too late for <br />this year, but he felt the Constitutional Officers and the <br />Administrator need to get together in an effort to eliminate <br />duplication of services - computer systems, personnel depart- <br />ments, etc. - to help relieve the taxpayer's pocketbook. <br />Chairman Scurlock stated that we are already looking in that <br />direction. We have talked with the Sheriff re an overall Fleet <br />Management Program, which would incorporate all our vehicles. We <br />have addressed the computer situation, and have had conferences <br />in terms of who owns Data Processing and who operates it. We <br />have not had a lot of success in that area, but we are attempting <br />to work this out. He noted that Florida Government in regard to <br />the Constitutional Officers, their powers, and how they relate to <br />the government is difficult to understand. Fortunately, in this <br />county we have a good relationship. The Chairman continued that <br />we also are looking at some privatization. <br />8 <br />