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INDIAN RIVER COUNTY <br />Date: Sept. 10, 1987. Work Authorization No. 18 for Consulting Services <br />Project No. 18 County) (Masteller & Moler Associates, Inc.) <br />(WASTEWATER) <br />I. PROJECT DESCRIPTION <br />Title: Rockridge Area Sewer Assessment Roll <br />Consulting services relative to the referenced project involving the <br />preparation of a Property Assessment Roll and Exhibit for the Rockridge <br />Area Sanitary Sewer System. The assessment roll will contain the name, <br />address, legal description, just value and assessment amount of each <br />property directly benefited by the project, as contained in Indian River <br />County's 1987 tax roll. The.information will be obtained with the <br />assistance of the Property Appraiser's Data Processing Department. Ten <br />(10) copies of the Assessment Roll are included and will be furnished to <br />the County. <br />II. SCOPE OF SERVICES AND LUMP SUM FEE FOR SERVICES <br />Reference is made to the "Agreement for Professional Services" dated July <br />2, 1986, and specific Article numbers and paragraph numbers which are <br />listed hereunder to describe the scope of services included on this <br />project. <br />A. Study and Report Services per Article 3. <br />B. Payment for Services per Article 8, paragraph 8b. for "A" above shall <br />be the lump sum fee of 81,000.00. Payment shall be per paragraph 8d. <br />APPROVED BY: SUBMITTED BY: <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY MASTELLER & MOLER ASSOCIATES, INC. <br />BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <br />By G By <br />Don C. Scurlock, JV Earl H. Masteller, P.E. <br />Chairman G President <br />(� <br />Date ! " ��� a -% Dated <br />REPORT ON TALLAHASSEE VISIT - COM. EGGERT 8 ATT. VITUNAC <br />Attorney Vitunac that he and Commissioner Eggert went to <br />Tallahassee Thursday and started a 12 -hour marathon of meetings <br />with officials up there. They started at noon with Gordon <br />Johnston of the Department of Community Affairs re the Housing <br />Authority. The result of that, in brief, was that the county <br />does need to sign some agreement with the state guaranteeing <br />repayment of $80,000 to FmHA. Failing that, we will be put on a <br />39 <br />S E p 15 695 sooK 69 PAGES <br />