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SEP 15 1987 <br />BOOK 69 PAGE 403 <br />Chairman Scurlock believed the particular site which we are <br />talking about would be worth 1.2 million; so, the question is <br />whether it is worth some dollars to have the library included as <br />part of the overall redevelopment of the downtown area. He, as <br />one Commissioner, felt it is worth it. For many years nothing <br />has been accomplished in trying to redevelop that area, and he <br />felt this is the one vehicle we will have to do something there. <br />Commissioner Bird felt that what we are doing is the most <br />positive thing for the downtown area, and he hoped that at some <br />time the City of Vero Beach would participate in this <br />redevelopment effort. <br />Discussion ensued re the City's interest and possible <br />participation in a master plan and financial support. <br />Commissioner Wheeler stated that he would like us to take a <br />hard look at the area we are going to need and purchase it in one <br />block form. He believed if we can coordinate contracts and look <br />at the whole area, we are not as vulnerable to paying inflated <br />prices to different owners. This land possibly can be valuable, <br />or it could go in the other direction and be almost worthless. <br />Commissioner Bird noted that we must set priorities for our <br />"wish list." He believed that the Courthouse and Library site <br />are top priority and stressed that he is going to take a lot of <br />convincing that within a fairly short period of time we need to <br />vacate this building. Let the School Board move and build a new <br />building, and we can take over their area. <br />Commissioner Eggert noted she is not talking about that at <br />all; she is just interested in the Library/Courthouse complex. <br />Chairman Scurlock believed any issue of moving out of this <br />building is a good ways off; we certainly would have to look into <br />the economic impact very seriously. . <br />Commissioner Eggert continued to emphasize the Library's <br />need for a cap on the cost of the site and noted that she would <br />like some assurance of support for the idea before her next <br />meeting with the Library Board. <br />46 <br />M <br />M <br />