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M <br />governmental area in some ways but still wished the Library to <br />stand alone as it needs to do. They reviewed their funding <br />situation, which is tight, and in the event they should agree to <br />come to the government area, she would like to know what the <br />Board's attitude would be re the possibility of -putting a cap of <br />$750,000 on the property there. Also, if the land in the area <br />cost them more than that, could they go to whatever bond issue <br />covers that courthouse area to get the difference in the money. <br />Commissioner Bird noted that any better deal they can get on <br />the land, will give them just that much more money to put in the <br />structure and improvements, and Commissioner Eggert agreed. <br />Chairman Scurlock felt having the library in a campus <br />setting would offer great advantages both for the downtown area <br />and for the community at large, and that even the incurring of <br />additional costs for the site for a library would be offset in <br />shared parking, shared common areas, and facilities. He noted <br />that the School Board has identified that they will need more <br />space, and would like it in this building. However, that is in <br />the future. What he sees as a redevelopment activity would be <br />the library, as a stand-alone facility, but part of the campus, <br />with the next phase the courtrooms for the judges and other <br />governmental offices relocating to the area, and then gradually, <br />the School Board taking over more of this facility. He person- <br />ally felt if the Library budget anticipated acquiring a site for <br />$750,000, that we should limit the cost of the site to that <br />amount and in the overall bond issue, include the_money to take <br />care of the difference. <br />Commissioner Eggert commented that perhaps this isn't the <br />Library Committee's first choice and not as in keeping with the <br />Cecil Beach study. There are other sites they can get, and she <br />wondered if the cap of $750,000 is worth it to have the library <br />in the complex. <br />Commissioner Bird felt there are trade-off advantages that <br />must be considered, i.e., zoning, an improved site, parking, etc. <br />45 <br />BOOK 69 FAUE 482 <br />