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OCT 13 1987 <br />BOOK 69 M`E,654 <br />The main function of the grid is to provide consistency in <br />designation; the road name, in itself, would then provide <br />information as to the road's orientation in the county, for <br />quick location reference. <br />Issuance of road names/numbers and building addresses: <br />It is acknowledged that road "name" designations are more <br />aesthetic -sounding than road "number" designations. However, <br />the numbering of roads serves an important function for 911 <br />quick response purposes. <br />The proposed ordinance requires that all new roads established <br />in the unincorporated county have a "number" designation. <br />Private roads may also have a "name" designation, but only in <br />addition to a "number" designation. Private road signs for <br />roads with both a name and number shall indicate both designa- <br />tions; the cost of such signs to be borne by the developer <br />and/or home owners association. As recommended by the Planning <br />and Zoning Commission, the proposed ordinance provides that <br />public road names of historic significance shall be preserved <br />in addition to assigned number designations (paragraph (d)'(1), <br />on page 6 of the proposed ordinance). - <br />Road signs existing prior to the effective date of the ordinance, <br />without both designations, are to be considered nonconforming <br />and subject to "nonconformity" provisions of the County Zoning <br />Code (Section 15(j)). <br />The numbering of individual buildings is also addressed in the <br />proposed ordinance. Essentially, the ordinance provides for <br />sequential numbering that would aid emergency services and <br />citizens in locating buildings by means of a logical building <br />numbering pattern. <br />Procedure for building address chances: <br />Section 18-62 of the proposed ordinance provides for the <br />changing of existing building addresses, only in the event that <br />a particular address does not conform with the overall grid <br />numbering system. The section affords the county the option to <br />correct inconsistencies that could result in possible emergency <br />response delays. <br />Admittedly, it is difficult to create a road addressing system <br />that is perfectly appropriate for all road patterns that <br />develop in the county. Factors of geography, meandering road <br />directions, and previously established designations come into <br />play. Even with the inadequacies, however, it is staff's <br />position that the recommended ordinance is important and <br />necessary for continued and improved service to the citizens of <br />Indian River County, in the interest of health, safety, and <br />welfare. <br />RECOMMENDATION:~ Y <br />Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners adopt - <br />the proposed Road Addressing System Ordinance, as revised <br />according -to Planning and Zoning Commission recommendations. <br />12 <br />M M M <br />