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Commissioner Bird understood the need to aid our emergency <br />systems, but stated he would hate to see us lose the charm and <br />dignity of using a pretty name instead of something like East -- <br />33rd Street. He did not want to see the unincorporated area of <br />the county get unattractive street names, especially when he did <br />not believe we can get the municipalities to change their street <br />- <br />names. <br />Director Keating confirmed that is the problem staff ran <br />into. He pointed out that the ordinance provides several <br />different options, and there can be street names as long as they <br />also provide a number on the street sign. The whole purpose is <br />to be able to find a street address logically through a grid <br />system. <br />Commissioner Eggert was concerned about the posting of <br />numbers on buildings and asked if there is any kind of time <br />requirements for people to do so. <br />Planner DeBlois noted that presently the lack of house <br />numbers only comes to staff's attention through complaints from <br />the Post Office, but this ordinance would provide us the <br />opportunity to require someone to have those numbers posted. <br />Commissioner Eggert did not want to have to wait for people <br />to be turned in for lack of house numbers. We have problems in <br />some of the unincorporated area; the ambulances are having a <br />terrible time; and she felt we must make an effort and pursue <br />this. <br />Director Keating stated that staff will work with Emergency <br />Management to remedy this problem. <br />Commissioner Bird inquired about areas such as Vista Royale <br />which have winding roads, and Director Keating noted that house <br />numbering seems such a simple concept until you start dealing <br />with circles and winding roads. <br />Discussion continued regarding the problems involved with <br />changing street numbers, the inconvenience caused, the expense of <br />reprinting stationery, the inconsistencies, etc., and Director <br />OCT 13 1987 13 SOCK. 69 PAGE 655 <br />