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alternative is whether or not the Board wants all the existing <br />named roads just to remain named and not overlay a number system. <br />As to having a system different than Vero Beach, staff worked <br />with the City staff a great deal, and while they recognized <br />politically it would not be feasible to change a lot of the <br />street names, they were amenable to overlaying a number system. <br />Director Keating further reported that the City does their house <br />numbering in a unique manner quite different than our system re <br />the odd and even numbers, and he felt our system is more <br />rational. <br />Commissioner Wheeler asked if it is allowable currently for <br />someone in a development on a cul de sac to have a name instead <br />of a number, and it was confirmed that this is allowed. <br />Planner DeBlois advised that if the road is to be dedicated <br />to the county, we generally ask for numbers. Privately <br />maintained roads generally have name designations. <br />Commissioner Wheeler favored a system where new subdivisions <br />could have names if they have a specific theme or are consistent <br />in some way. <br />It was determined that no one else wished to be heard, and <br />the Chairman declared the public hearing closed. <br />Commissioner Bowman commented that the proposed ordinance <br />provides that "where further division requires roads to be <br />located between two sequentially numbered 'Streets' north of 1st <br />Street, such road shall be identified, in order, from south to <br />north as 'Place,' 'Lane,' and 'Manor." She asked why this <br />sequence is not done alphabetically which would be easier. <br />Director Keating explained that this is the system that has <br />been used over the years, and leaving it the same would prevent <br />having to change a lot of designations that are already in place. <br />Commissioner Bird had a problem with the provision on Page 6 <br />that public roads shall be designated by number only, except that <br />road names of historic significance shall be preserved in <br />addition to the assigned number designation. He personally felt <br />NOV 10 1987 37 <br />BOOK 7D FA uF 74 <br />