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OV <br />10 1987 <br />Boa <br />70 pnf <br />75 <br />that Indian River <br />Boulevard is a good name and would hate <br />to <br />think that if we were to do that project today, we would have to <br />call it Third Avenue or something like that. The proposed <br />provision sounds as if it is mandatory. <br />Planner DeBlois felt that the intent was to allow <br />flexibility for the County Commission to use names if they felt <br />that was appropriate, and that provision could be changed to <br />reflect that it would be the Board's discretion to use names for <br />public roads if they wished. <br />In the continuing discussion, the Chairman believed we want <br />to accommodate the Post Office and still achieve our objectives. <br />Director Keating believed to do that we should require any <br />new public or private roads to have a number designation. <br />Commissioner Bird stated that he will not vote for that. <br />Commissioner Wheeler suggested it be worded that "any new <br />roads other than those designated by the County Commission will <br />have a number designation." <br />Director Keating suggested the wording should be "to require <br />any new public or private roads other than those specific roads <br />the County Commission wishes to assign a name to have a number <br />designation in conformance with the existing grid system." <br />MOTION WAS MADE by Commissioner Eggert, SECONDED <br />by Commissioner Bowman, to approve the ordinance <br />as proposed with the addition of the wording such <br />as suggested above. <br />Commissioner Bird stated that he plans to vote against the <br />Motion. He understood the purpose behind the ordinance, but <br />questioned whether our county is that big or sophisticated that <br />we have to do away with the charm of the area. He believed there <br />are some large cities that function with named streets. <br />Postmaster Cueto continued to stress that the Post Office <br />does not object to names; they just object to the the dual system <br />38 <br />