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rNOV 10 1987 <br />BOOK <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Eggert, the Board <br />unanimously tabled final action on the revised <br />road numbering ordinance until the Regular <br />Meeting of November 24, 1987, at 9:05 A.M. <br />COUNTY JAIL, PHASE II, ARCHITECT <br />70, Pnl 77'." Iu <br />Attorney Vitunac reported that the Attorney's office, along <br />with Commissioner Wheeler and Administrator Balczun, has been <br />trying to get more space in our jail. There have been enormous <br />problems with opening Phase II, and the problem is that one of <br />the sub -contractors has been holding up one of the electronic <br />boards. Schopke Construction has made the following proposal: <br />1. That the electronic -detention portion of these damages be reduced <br />to $10,500.00. <br />2. That the balance of these damages ($4,500.00) be borne by Schopke <br />Construction & Engineering, Inc. <br />* <br />This represents half of the total damages, per our discussion. We believe that we <br />could successfully prevail for more than this reduction but are willing to settle <br />for this and get this job behind us. <br />Per our further discussion, continued liquidated damages will be terminated as of <br />this date pending substantial completion of the job by November 18, 1987. Should <br />Schopke Construction & Engineering, Inc. be unable to complete by November 18, <br />1987, damages will begin being assessed as defined in ARTICLE 3 of the contract <br />documents. <br />Should the above be accepted, Schopke Construction & Engineering, Inc. agrees to <br />waive its rights to time -delay claims prior to this date on the above referenced <br />project. <br />*3. The graphics enunciator locking and lighting lower level panel must be. <br />physically on the project site no later than 12 noon Thursday, November <br />12, 1987 or this entire agreement is void. <br />Commissioner Wheeler advised that while he had some serious <br />problems with the proposal, he was willing to support it because <br />it seems to be the practical thing to do. <br />Administrator Balczun agreed that staff would prefer to play <br />hard ball and say abide by the terms of the contract. The <br />obvious problem, however, is that without this equipment, we will <br />continue to have over -capacity problems at the jail. There might <br />be some opportunity for us to go out and have the missing compo- <br />nents built outside of the existing contract, but unfortunately <br />40 <br />