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V 10 1987 BOOK .70 F -AGE 83 <br />something should happen to the Administrator, would be taking <br />over. The Chairman did not know what flexibility the <br />Administrator has and would not want to put him in an untenable <br />position, but noted that he is going have a hard time voting for <br />$53,000 when we budgeted $41,400, which means to him that the <br />amount remaining after five pay periods would be less than <br />$40,000. <br />Commissioner Bird concurred that we need to clarify for the <br />future. He agreed the Administrator has the ability to hire and <br />fire and the Board works with him to set the salary levels for <br />some of the key department heads, and he believed the Board felt <br />we had done so at budgettime. Commissioner Bird felt if the <br />Administrator had gone out to fill this position and found he <br />couldn't acquire a person of the caliber he needed at that price <br />range, he should have come back to the Commission with that <br />information and possibly the Commission would have reconsidered. <br />Certainly this is the way it should be done in the future. <br />Administrator Balczun stated that he could certainly assure <br />the Board that this will not happen again - (a) because the Board <br />has enunciated the rules and (b) because he has never thought of <br />himself as being overly stupid about making the same mistake <br />twice. He continued that he would like to suggest that our <br />personnel professional do further study on the issue, and, of <br />course, whatever the Board decides will be followed, but the <br />Administrator pointed out that at a salary of $41,400, the <br />assistant administrator would be the 8 or 9th person in salary <br />stacking in the county ratings. <br />Chairman Scurlock did not believe he necessarily has to be <br />the second highest paid in the county, and Commissioner Bird <br />agreed that you do not necessarily need the compensation to have <br />the authority, as recently proved by Col. Oliver North. <br />Chairman Scurlock further noted that Palm Beach County has 7 <br />or 8 assistant administrators. Also, he felt the salary depends <br />on where exactly the assistant administrator is to be put in the <br />46 <br />