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a�10K 70 410 <br />authority to enter into those areas the state already regulates. <br />The State does not regulate the seven or so items that are <br />covered in this ordinance, and we went over each of those seven <br />with the ambulance units; they are not really opposed to those <br />items, but simply are opposed to having any ordinance at all. <br />Mr. Vocelle confirmed that IRCVAS opposition is to <br />regulation as whole. Section 401 says the county is authorized <br />to adopt this type ordinance but not required, and since the <br />state already has a system in place for training and insurance, <br />they do not feel anything further is necessary. <br />Commissioner Wheeler asked what they are objecting to speci- <br />fically - or do they just not want any controls from the county <br />level. <br />Mr. Vocelle explained that they simply feel it is another <br />area of control that is unwarranted. Every level of government <br />that gets involved, you have more and more restrictions and this <br />makes it harder to comply. <br />The Chairman asked if anyone else wished to be heard. <br />Matt Witherspoon, Chief of IRCVAS in Vero Beach, and also a <br />member of Commissioner Eggert's committee, wished to go on record <br />on a couple of points. He felt when you post a response time <br />requirement to people, they will eventually adhere to it regard- <br />less of speed laws, and he would anticipate more speeding in some <br />areas. Mr. Witherspoon felt the words "average response" would <br />suffice rather than specific times. He was also concerned about <br />section 5e. which establishes the requirement for the number of <br />vehicles. He believed the squad achieved notoriety when after 21 <br />years, they decided in order to keep the service for the people <br />in the community, they must resort to hiring some paid EMTs, and <br />now for someone to tell them they have to have "X" number of <br />vehicles properly manned at all times without knowing what the <br />formula is going to be to arrive at that raises a question. Mr. <br />Witherspoon further pointed out that this only deals with <br />emergencies. They perform a lot of non -emergency services and <br />30 <br />