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DEC 22 1987 BooK 70 P Of 420 <br />Attorney Vitunac interjected that he would like to add a <br />little language to Section 4, page 2, of the proposed ordinance, <br />Powers of the Solid Waste District. He wished to add after the <br />word "property," the words "issue revenue bonds or other <br />certificates of indebtedness." <br />Commissioner Eggert inquired who "SWDD" refers to, and it <br />was stated that it actually would be the Board of County <br />Commissioners as they will be the governing body of the Solid <br />Waste Disposal District. <br />Commissioner Bird noted that Section 12 refers to "special <br />waste," and he did not see any definition of special waste. <br />Ms. Jettinghoff advised that special waste includes <br />materials generated from land clearing, demolition activities, <br />etc., and includes tires. It is defined under Section 5. <br />entitled Definitions. <br />County Attorney Vitunac noted that Page 5 which sets out <br />that particular definition is missing from the copies of the <br />ordinance handed out. (Copies of Page 5 were supplied.) <br />Ms. Jettinghoff summarized that what the county was faced <br />with was to collect revenue to cover all the costs for operation <br />and maintainence of the landfill. Camp, Dresser, McKee studied <br />whether the present system of a tipping fee was the best and most <br />effective and looked at other counties to see how this was <br />handled. What they came up with was that the best system for the <br />county would be one that used the Property Appraiser's data base, <br />which is an owner based system. A bill will go out once a year <br />and will charge all owners of improved real property. Ms. <br />Jettinghoff wished to make the point that if the county can <br />determine beforehand how much the revenue stream is going to be, <br />they will be able to get a lot better terms for financing the new <br />landfill and the closure of the old one, which will mean that the <br />people will have the lowest possible rate. <br />Chairman Scurlock further clarified that the interest rate <br />40 <br />