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DEC <br />2 <br />BOOK <br />70 <br />F,�,F 431 <br />emphasized <br />that the Board members do not have their <br />minds <br />made <br />up; they do listen and try to be compassionate. <br />Elizabeth Robinson, Fellsmere, believed the Commission is <br />trying to do a good job and wished to know if this is the final <br />meeting on the proposed ordinance. <br />Chairman Scurlock explained that this is the final meeting <br />to adopt the ordinance, but subsequent to that at budgettime, <br />there will be a budgetary process that will set the future budget <br />for all the departments, including the Landfill, and those will <br />be advertised. <br />Mrs. Robinson stated that she tried to live on less than <br />$300 a month, and she wished to talk about preventive measures, <br />which she tries to practice. She urged recycling to keep costs <br />down, and felt everyone must employ preventive measures. <br />Edra Young, 1151 Clearmont St., Sebastian, realized we have <br />to have a new landfill, but her problem is why we are going to <br />sell bonds and not bring it before the voters. <br />Attorney Vitunac explained that is because that bond issue <br />will not be paid by taxes and will not be paid for by the county; <br />it will be paid for by the revenues generated. <br />Jackie Hall, owner of a trailer park on 45th Court, wished <br />to know who will assess her property for this tax, and Attorney <br />Vitunac informed her that we have taken the code used by the <br />Property Appraiser's office and used a factor to establish ERUs. <br />Ms. Hall wished to know who specifically will call on her <br />place as she did not want strangers on her property. She was <br />advised to contact Mr. Pinto of the Utility Department. <br />Mr. Moody wished to know what the special assessment is or <br />will it just be pulled out of the sky? <br />Director Pinto reported that the evaluation is being done <br />now. This ordinance just creates the authority, and the budget <br />will set what the fees are. There will be a new budget for the <br />Landfill every year and a public hearing on it. <br />50 <br />