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Chairman Scurlock stressed that everything comes back to the <br />Board for final approval, and if the Board has a question at that <br />time about capability or price, we have a place to voice those <br />concerns. <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Bird, SECONDED by <br />Commissioner Wheeler, the Board unanimously <br />authorized Continuing Services Agreements with the <br />consultant firms as listed in the above staff <br />recommendation. <br />E. Change Order No. 12 - Indian River Boulevard/12th Street <br />Project <br />The Board reviewed the following memo dated 12/22/87: <br />TO: Charles P. Balczun, DATE: December 22, 1987 FILE: <br />County Administrator <br />FROM: <br />James W. Davis, P.E. <br />Public Works Director <br />SUBJECT: Change Order No. 12 - Indian <br />River Boulevard/12th Street <br />Project <br />REFERENCES: <br />DESCRIPTION AND CONDITIONS <br />On December 15, 1987, the Board of County Commissioners approved a 26 day <br />time extension for the subject project due to delays in the work caused by <br />the Florida East Coast Railroad's delay in rebuilding the 12th Street <br />Railroad track crossing. In addition to the time extension, the contractor <br />had to raise the 12th Street road elevation by approximately 4", which <br />required removal of sidewalk concrete, curb and gutter, and base material. <br />The above required work resulted in a cost of $2,324.50. Change Order # 12 <br />has been prepared to formally extend the completion date by 26 calendar <br />days and increase the contract by $2,324.50 to cover this work. <br />The County Traffic Engineering Department has also requested a change in <br />the type of traffic signal loop detectors on the project. The County has <br />had operational problems with the Type "A" loop assemblies and we have <br />requested a change to Type "F" detectors. Just recently, the traffic <br />signal industry has recognized problems with the Type "A" loop detectors <br />nationwide. There are 40 loop detectors on the project. The change will <br />cost $100 per assembly or a total change in cost of $4,000. <br />The total increase to the contract for Change Order # 12 will be $6,324.50. <br />7 <br />JAN 5 '1988 <br />BOOK 10 POE 470 <br />