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Chairman Scurlock noted there is no appeal to the Commission <br />from the Board of Adjustment, it goes from that Board to Circuit <br />Court. <br />Argument continued about the three options, i.e., go to <br />court, remove the trees, or change the zoning, and Attorney <br />Cooksey advised that the Kennedy's at this point would not want <br />the zoning reverted to agricultural. The reason for that is <br />because of the circumstances of having the subdivision to the <br />east and getting complaints when they spray, etc. There comes a <br />question of the intensity of the adjoining property's residential <br />use and how long they can keep their property in agricultural use <br />because of that. <br />Chairman Scurlock felt that argument is a bit inconsistent, <br />and Commissioner Bird pointed out that the Kennedy's use today is <br />agricultural and he did not feel the Board can give them the best <br />of both worlds. He believed they were operating as a bona fide <br />agricultural operation when they took out the trees, and he could <br />not vote as he did and still live with leaving that property <br />residential. <br />Commissioner Bowman believed they now are saying this <br />agricultural use won't go on too long because of the nearby <br />residential. <br />Attorney Cooksey emphasized they are not saying that. The <br />present intention is to keep the groves in business. <br />Commissioner Eggert felt if that is the case, there then <br />should be no problem with changing this property to an <br />agricultural zoning, and then when the time came and pressures <br />got too great, the Kennedys could come back and ask for <br />residential zoning. <br />Commissioner Bird stated that he would like to see the <br />Kennedys voluntarily request the rezoning, and if they don't, he <br />will initiate the rezoning on the county side because he really <br />feels the property should be zoned agricultural to be consistent <br />with its present use. <br />45 <br />FEB 1 6 1998 <br />L <br />f'W 70 FA,r.863 <br />