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FEB 1 19E3 <br />BOOK 70 P" SF 884. <br />Attorney Cooksey asked the Board for some time to discuss <br />this with his clients. <br />Chairman Scurlock, as one Commissioner, wished to have a <br />decision now, and expressed his feeling that possibly we should <br />reconsider and fine them the $4,500. <br />Commissioner Bird stated that he would be willing to give <br />them until the next Board meeting to see if they want to initiate <br />a rezoning themselves. <br />Attorney Vitunac wished to know if Attorney Cooksey had been <br />hinting at a possible conflict of interest of Asst. County <br />Attorney Brennan in that she was attorney for the Board of <br />Adjustment and her husband, he believed, was attorney for Ms. <br />Broads. He advised that this is not a conflict in Mrs. <br />Brennan's mind. <br />Attorney Cooksey stated he was not aware at the time there <br />was any connection, and he had no reason at this point to <br />question their integrity. <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Eggert, SECONDED by Com- <br />missioner Wheeler, the Board unanimously tabled for <br />one week the matter of initiating a rezoning of the <br />Kennedy property to make it conforming. <br />R/W ABANDONMENT - 13TH ST. BET. 27TH & 28TH AVE. (ZIMMERMAN/ <br />WELLER & HAAS) <br />The hour of 9:05 o'clock A.M. having passed, the Deputy <br />Clerk read the following Notice with Proof of Publication <br />attached, to -wit: <br />46 <br />