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FEB 16 L <br />BOOK 70 FAE 880 <br />WHEREAS, the special assessment provided hereunder shall become <br />due and payable at the office of the Department of Utility Services of <br />Indian River County ninety (90) days after the final determination of <br />the special assessment pursuant to Ordinance 81-27; and <br />WHEREAS, all special assessments not paid within said ninety (90) <br />day period shall thereupon become payable in equal installments in each <br />of the succeeding five years with interest established at 12% from the <br />expiration of said ninety (90) days payable annually; but any <br />assessment becoming so payable in installments may be paid at anytime <br />together with interest accrued thereon to date of payment; the balance <br />of assessment shall become due and payable on any transfer of title ito <br />said properties; and <br />WHEREAS, after examination of the nature and the anticipated usage <br />of the proposed improvements, the Board of County Commissioners has <br />determined that the following described properties shall receive direct <br />and special benefit from these improvements, to wit: <br />LOTS 6-10, N 1/2 OF LOTS 11 & 12, S <br />1/2 OF LOTS 11 AND 12, LOTS '13-18 <br />OF LONE PALM PARK SUBDIVISION, <br />BLOCK 1; <br />LOTS 1-10 OF LONE PALM PARK <br />SUBDIVISION, BLOCK 3; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY <br />COMMISSIONERS OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: <br />1. The foregoing recitals are affirmed and satisfied in their <br />entirety. <br />2. A project providing for water improvements for Lone Palm Park <br />Subdivision, heretofore designated as Indian River County <br />Utilities Project Number DS -245, is hereby approved subject <br />to the terms outlined above and all applicable requirements <br />of Ordinance 81-27. <br />The foregoing resolution was offered by Commissioner Eggert <br />who moved its adoption. The motion was seconded by Commissioner <br />Wheeler , and upon being put to vote, the vote was as follows: <br />62 <br />