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It was determined no one else wished to be heard, and the <br />Chairman thereupon declared the public hearing closed. <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Eggert, SECONDED by Com- <br />missioner Wheeler, the Board unanimously adopted <br />Resolution 88-12 authorizing the collection of money <br />for the above described project and approved the <br />Preliminary Assessment Roll. <br />RESOLUTION NO. 88- 12 <br />A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY <br />COMMISSIONERS OF INDIAN RIVER <br />COUNTY, FLORIDA, PROVIDING FOR <br />CERTAIN WATER IMPROVEMENTS IN THE <br />LONE PALM PARK SUBDIVISION, <br />PROVIDING THE TOTAL ESTIMATED COST, <br />METHOD OF PAYMENT. OR ASSESSMENTS, <br />NUMBER OF ANNUAL INSTALLMENTS, AND <br />LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF AREA <br />SPECIFICALLY SERVED. <br />WHEREAS, the Indian River County Department of Utility Services <br />has received a public improvement petition requesting water <br />improvements within the Lone Palm Park Subdivision along 27th Avenue <br />from 14th Street to 12th Street; and <br />WHEREAS, the Indian River County Department of Utility Services <br />recognizes a need for water improvements within the Lone Palm Park <br />Subdivision; and. <br />WHEREAS, conceptual design work including cost estimates for <br />construction of water improvements in the Lone Palm Park Subdivision <br />has been completed by the City of Vero Beach and its contracted <br />engineering firm, Lloyd & Associates, Inc.; and <br />WHEREAS, the total estimated cost of the proposed water <br />improvements to the owners of property that will benefit from the <br />project is $46,944.10; and <br />WHEREAS, the special assessment provided hereunder shall be a <br />proportion, based on the square footage of the property, of 100% of the <br />total cost of the project for each given record owner of property <br />within the specific area benefitted, and on which a residence is <br />located or could be located; and <br />61 <br />FEB 16 1988 <br />BUR <br />`A E. 879 <br />