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Pr - <br />FEB 16 1988 <br />BOOK <br />70 FA,F878 <br />really dropped the petition by the wayside and we are back to <br />about the 2/3 originally interested in the project. The City <br />will be funding the project up front. The assessment roll will <br />be collected by us and remitted to the City. This is the public <br />hearing to approve the preliminary assessment roll. <br />Administrator Balczun noted, for purposes of the record, <br />that the reason for an 8" main instead of the standard 6", which <br />is sufficient for residential service, is that the City wants <br />that system to be part of their fire service, and they will pay <br />the difference. <br />Chairman Scurlock asked if anyone wished to be heard. <br />Kermit Weller, property owner, did not blame the people on <br />the side streets for wanting the water; however, he owns most of <br />the lots in that block and they are all empty. He stated that he <br />has water on 28th Avenue and did not get any bill like this. He <br />did not think the people asked for the big fire main. His <br />assessment on this is $15,000, and the line on 28th didn't cost <br />him anything. <br />Chairman Scurlock explained that the City designed the <br />project, and Mr. Barton advised that the cost was divided by the <br />number of residential homes that could be built that would be in <br />the affected area. Therefore, if you have 6 vacant lots that are <br />buildable, you would be billed for 6 lots. <br />Mr. Weller asked why lots 19 and 20 on 13th Street weren't <br />assessed, and Mr. Barton believed that is because they were <br />already connected to the system on the 14th Street line and <br />further noted that those lots are a block off the project. <br />Chairman Scurlock felt the assessment of $1,900 is pretty <br />much in line, and he further pointed out that Mr. Weller can sell <br />the lot the County just gave him earlier through an abandonment. <br />Mr. Weller wished to know•why the lots in the next block on <br />27th are hooked up and get their water through from 28th in the <br />back, and why his can't do the same. Director Pinto commented <br />that he asked that also, but the City won't do it. <br />60 <br />