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Jack Pearce, we would be getting probably a $40,000 a year <br />individual, whom we can't afford right now, for about 20 hours a <br />week at $300 a week with no benefits whatever. <br />Commissioner Eggert asked if Mr. Pearce would be a <br />pre -project coordinator rather than a during -project coordinator <br />like Ernestine Williams. <br />Director Pinto explained that Mrs. Williams would be more <br />specific to a construction project, and Mr. Pearce would be <br />involved more with procedure and putting in the works a smooth <br />working petition system. <br />Administrator Baclzun asked if Mr. Pearce is going to be an <br />independent contractor or an employee, and Director Pinto asked <br />if we can have a part time employee without providing them <br />benefits. <br />Administrator Balczun believed it is possible to create a <br />part time employee without benefits, and if we run afoul of the <br />pension laws, etc., we will negotiate a contract. <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Eggert, SECONDED by Com- <br />missioner Bowman, the Board unanimously authorized <br />the Department of Utility Services to hire Jack <br />Pearce on a part-time basis at $300 per week <br />without benefits, as recommended by staff. <br />SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL DIST. - AUTHORIZATION FOR ISSUANCE OF BONDS <br />Attorney Vitunac informed the Board that Charles Sieck of <br />Rhoads & Sinon, our Bond Counsel, has passed out a resolution to <br />replace the one in the Board's back-up material and one of the <br />changes would up the bond issue from 9 million to 11 million. <br />Mr. Sieck advised that the changes, with the exception of <br />the dollar amount which will be gone into in more detail, are all <br />typos and insignificant comments received from the underwriters <br />69 <br />FEB 161988 <br />6 <br />LOO 70 F.,,r 887 <br />