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that we did so specifically because of the track record and <br />abilities of Dr. Fishkind and Mr. Diamond, and if we couldn't <br />have either of them, we didn't want M. G. Lewis & C <br />• <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Eggert, SECONDED by Com- <br />missioner Bowman, the Board unanimously authorized <br />the Chairman to write M. G. Lewis & Co. terminating <br />their contract. <br />Chairman Scurlock believed we now need some sort of formal <br />relationship with Mr. Diamond as our financial advisor. <br />Commissioner Eggert asked if the Finance Committee has a <br />recommendation, and Chairman Scurlock advised that he has not <br />taken this to them as he was waiting for Mr. Diamond to tell us <br />what his plans are going to be. There are several firms he is <br />thinking about, but in the meantime, he has been providing his <br />services at no cost to the county. <br />Commissioner Eggert asked if it is possible to contract <br />directly with Mr. Diamond if everyone agrees he has done a good <br />job, and the Chairman noted that is what he would like to do. <br />Mr. Diamond stated that an interim contract would more than <br />satisfy him. <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Eggert, SECONDED by Com- <br />missioner Bowman, the Board unanimously authorized <br />entering into a negotiated contract with Art Diamond <br />to be our financial advisor. <br />TRANSPORTATION PLANNING COMMITTEE - SUMMARY OF ACTIONS <br />Commissioner Bowman reviewed the following: <br />73 <br />FEB 16198II <br />BOOK 7Q F A. GF 891 <br />