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FEB EB 1_6 1988 <br />BOOK 70 PGE 892 <br />TRANSPORTATION PLANNING COMMITTEE <br />SUMMARY OF ACTIONS <br />February 10, 1988 MEETING <br />1. US#1 Corridor Study <br />Staff presented a verbal status report on the US#1 Corridor <br />Study for the three -county area being conducted for the FDOT <br />by a consultant. Comments are requested from affected <br />municipalities. A workshop with the consultant will be <br />scheduled. <br />2. Five- ear Trans•ortation Ca•ital Im•rovement Pro ram <br />The subject plan was presented by staff and unanimously <br />approved by the Committee with the addition of the SR -60 <br />One-way Pair Project, and Barber Bridge replacement as <br />unfunded projects. <br />3. Old Dixie Highway/45th Street Intersection <br />At the request of the Gifford Progressive Civic League, <br />staff was directed to investigate additional warning devices <br />,for this new four-way stop intersection. <br />4. 43rd Avenue/8th Street Intersection <br />Member Waddell requested four-way stop control be placed at <br />this intersection until the planned traffic signal is <br />installed. The Committee took no action because of <br />potential conflicts since the signal design is in progress <br />and should be installed in 1988. <br />Discussion ensued regarding Item 4, and R/W problems.with <br />the land owner. Commissioner Wheeler wished to know why a 4 -way <br />stop would be a conflict at this intersection, and Commissioner <br />Bowman stated that the Traffic Engineer considers a 4 -way stop <br />very dangerous. <br />Commissioner Wheeler felt a 4 -way stop at least slows people <br />down so the accidents aren't as serious. <br />Public Works Director Davis reported that they are finaliz- <br />ing the contract for that intersection work. There has been <br />correspondence with Mr. Earman re the R/W, and there is no <br />working relationship problem; it is just a problem of getting the <br />design complete and the project before the Board for approval as <br />quickly as possible. As to a 4 -way stop, Director Davis pointed <br />74 <br />