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MOTION WAS MADE by Commissioner Bird, SECONDED by Com- <br />missioner Eggert, to abolish the Seagrass Preservation <br />and Restoration Committee and incorporate its functions <br />into the Marine Advisory Committee. <br />Commissioner Bowman did not feel that Mr. Fernald was <br />looking for the dissolution of this committee, but was just <br />saying he didn't have time to continue as chairman. She further <br />noted that the Seagrass Committee was composed entirely of <br />biologists, and she was concerned about the expertise of the <br />Marine Advisory Committee as she did not believe there were any <br />biologists on that Committee. <br />Commissioner Wheeler advised that the Marine Advisory <br />Committee has on it probably the foremost biologist on the Indian <br />River Lagoon area itself, Dr. Grant Gilmore. Other biologists on <br />the Committee are Jack Jackson and Tim Adams, and Diane Barile is <br />a non-voting technical member. <br />THE CHAIRMAN CALLED FOR THE QUESTION. <br />It was voted on and carried unanimously. <br />F.I.N.D. GRANT - ENVIRONMENTAL LEARNING CENTER <br />The Board reviewed memo from Asst. County Attorney Brennan: <br />TO: Commissioner Margaret C. Bowman <br />Board of County Commissioners <br />FROM: Sharon P. Brennan, Assistant County Attorney <br />DATE: February 9, 1988 <br />RE: FIND GRANT - Environmental Learning Center <br />Attached please find a resolution I have prepared, as <br />required, for a Florida Inland Navigation District grant for <br />the Pelican Island Audubon Society Environmental Learning <br />Center. <br />I will need to know the percentage amount of the total cost <br />of the project which we are requesting before making the <br />grant application. <br />Thank you very much. <br />77 <br />FEB 16 1% <br />800K 70 f CE 895 <br />