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Pr - <br />FEB i 066 <br />FACE 900 <br />TO: Commissioner Carolyn K. Eggert <br />Board of County Commissioners <br />FROM: <br />DATE: <br />RE: <br />(2Q29,t(b-42, <br />Charles P. Vitunac, County Attorney <br />February 15, 1988 <br />USE OF OLD JAIL SITE FOR LIBRARY <br />Yot) have asked me to respond concerning what legal <br />requirement exists that the library bond issue be charged <br />some amount for use of the old jail site or new hea-Ith <br />department building site. <br />The library bond issue was passed to acquire two sites and <br />build two libraries.. The bonds will be paid valorem <br />taxes countywide. The bond issue does not requ,i,re that the <br />County spend any amount or percentage of money to acquire <br />land. It clearly authorizes acceptance of donated land. <br />The next question is whether the County may dedicate the old <br />jail site for library purposes for no or Kittle <br />remuneration. The old jail site was acquired years ago by <br />the County as an asset of the general fund. This is a <br />countywide fund supported by the taxpayers of the whole <br />county --the same people who pay for the library bonds. Thus, <br />the land could be dedicated for library purposes unless the <br />bond issue itself restricted the total expenses of the <br />library costs to the bond amount, i.e., $5.9 million. <br />The bond documents are only an authorization for long-term <br />capital funding through taxes. They do not either explicitly <br />or implicitly forbid the use of other money, lands, or <br />funds. Thus, in my opinion, there is no legal requirement <br />for the County to pay anything for the old jail site if the <br />Board of County Commissioners decides to use that land for <br />the new library. <br />The new health department site was acquired by another bond <br />issue supported by revenue which would otherwise be put into <br />• the general fund. The bond authorized raising money for <br />capital projects as follows: <br />"Project" shall mean the construction, <br />reconstruction, acquisition, alteration, <br />furnishing and equipping of buildings and capital <br />facilities of the County for administrative, law <br />enforcement, judicial, jail, medical use, <br />recreational facilities, excluding beach <br />renourishment, and other facilities to house <br />governmental services in the County, all pursuant <br />to the plans and specifications of a Qualified <br />Independent Consultant on file, or to be on file, <br />with the Issuer. <br />Thus, use of the new health department site for a library <br />would be proper without charging the library bond fund for <br />the bond if a new public library comes within the definition <br />of "Project", which I believe it does. <br />82 <br />