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FES 161988 <br />BOOK 70 FA;E 902 <br />Commissioner Eggert noted that she will be taking up <br />different library sites the first of March with the Library <br />Advisory Committee and would like to carry with her to the <br />decision- making process an exact price of the total cost to the <br />library bond for the land at the Old Jail site and the Health <br />Department site. She felt the jail site is more important and <br />wished to know the Commission's feelings. <br />Chairman Scurlock stated that he would be in favor of giving <br />them the land at the Old Jail site as set out in Alternative 2. <br />MOTION WAS MADE by Commissioner Wheeler, SECONDED by <br />Commissioner Bowman, to donate the land at the Old <br />Jail site for a library site as set out in Alterna- <br />tive 2. <br />Chairman Scurlock noted that he would even go one step <br />further and say that if there is any in-kind work that could be <br />contributed to help clear that site, he would be willing to say <br />that would be acceptable. <br />Commissioner Eggert asked if it was the general feeling of <br />the Board that Public Works could help, and there were no. <br />objections. Commissioner Eggert noted that Director Davis has <br />been helpful in getting the impact fees for her. <br />Commissioner Wheeler inquired about the credit we would have <br />on the jail site for transportation type fees particularly. <br />Commissioner Eggert reported that they are giving a whole <br />credit of $15,804.90. <br />Commissioner Wheeler believed that the jail had tremendous <br />traffic with deputies coming and going and visitation. <br />Director Davis advised that the way they looked at it, a <br />certain percentage of the building was used for offices, which <br />would be the Sheriff's record keeping area. He felt, practically <br />speaking, you could probably feel that was a little more intense <br />use than our tables indicate, but they did apply the same impact <br />84 <br />