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Chairman Scurlock believed it would be fair to say that the <br />utility would prefer to dispose of both assets, and a meeting is <br />scheduled on the 21st of this month to propose a deal similar to <br />what we have structured here. <br />In continuing discussion re acquisition, Director Pinto <br />reported that staff has done a very, very extensive inventory. <br />Chairman Scurlock asked before the acquisition is complete, <br />which is a 9/1 closing date, do we anticipate through that <br />document to look again at the system to see that it is fully <br />within acceptable standards, and Director Pinto stated that we <br />will monitor the system until the day of purchase. <br />Commissioner Eggert asked if the system as it now stands <br />will have to be increased to serve the whole North Beach. <br />Director Pinto confirmed that it would. The system is <br />adequate for those it is presently serving, and the expansion of <br />the system for the rest of the North Beach would be paid for by <br />impact fees from those customers. <br />Commissioner Bird asked if they were saying that from this <br />location and with this expansion, the system has the capability <br />of taking care of the entire North Beach area from Indian River <br />Shores to Sebastian Inlet, and Director Pinto confirmed that it <br />would, noting that, of course, would mean new wells and the <br />addition of other membrane units. If, in fact, the Town of <br />Orchid builds, it could service that and Marsh Island. <br />Chairman Scurlock advised that both the Town of Orchid and <br />the Polo Club have indicated their interest in being serviced by <br />thecounty system. <br />Commissioner Bowman asked if this system as it sits without <br />any expansion could accommodate Summerplace and Oceanaire <br />Heights, and this was confirmed. <br />Discussion ensued re the pipe to John's Island that is <br />presently used for irrigation only and whether there is any <br />ability to tap into that and. possibly siphon off any of the water <br />and make it potable. <br />16 <br />APR 12 1988 <br />Booz i2 FACE 16 <br />