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Chairman Scurlock commented that we have met with Lost Tree <br />Corp. over the years re these possibilities, and they have <br />evidenced no desire to dispose of that line. We have consis- <br />tently discussed joint use, and as long as they are able to <br />maintain their needs and that raw water supply will not be <br />interrupted, he believed there is definitely room to work <br />together in the future. <br />Commissioner Bowman inquired how deep the wells are that <br />service that line, and Director Pinto answered that there is a <br />shallow well, and they just installed a deep one and mixed the <br />two. They have had problems with permitting from the shallow <br />aquifer and they have to depend much heavier on the deeper <br />aquifer. <br />The Chairman asked if anyone present wished to be heard. <br />A gentleman from the audience wished to know how the water <br />which is supplied by North Beach and would be supplied by the <br />county complies with the federal standards for carcinogens for a <br />community of 10,000 or more. <br />Director. Pinto advised that North Beach Water Company as it <br />operates now does not have to comply with that standard because <br />it is serving a community of Tess than 10,000. When the county <br />buys it, we will have to comply with that regulation, and we <br />would anyway as we meet all the Safe Water Drinking Act <br />requirements. <br />Another gentleman in the audience asked if this means that <br />the county take-over will improve the quality of the water. <br />Director Pinto noted that from the analysis he has seen of <br />the North Beach water, he believed they are meeting current <br />standards. If the county takes the system over, the type of <br />membrane presently used there eventually will be changed out. <br />Chairman Scurlock noted that the new membranes will cost <br />about $150,000, but that was considered in the purchase price <br />which we have negotiated from 6 million down to 3.1 million. <br />APR 12 1988 <br />17 <br />Boov 72 Fr.1 17 <br />