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Director Pinto explained that the quality of water from an <br />R.O. plant is dependent on how much raw water they blend back <br />into the finished product water. The R.O. process removes <br />virtually everything, and the water exceeds standards to such a <br />degree it is not cost effective. We are evaluating a treatment <br />system that will get away from blending as much as possible. <br />Chairman Scurlock understood we do not want to take any <br />action today, but continue the hearing. <br />Attorney Vitunac believed they would like permission to sign <br />this contract if it is in the same form, but Commissioner Eggert <br />pointed out that this material was just received this morning, <br />and she did not want to act on the contract until she has read <br />it. She, therefore, wished to continue this hearing. <br />Attorney Vitunac felt at this point, since the requirements <br />of the statute have been met, the procedure would be to end -the <br />public hearing and make a finding of a public benefit and then <br />later on, sign the contract if desired. <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Eggert, SECONDED by Com- <br />missioner Bowman, the Board unanimously closed the <br />public hearing since all the requirements of the Florida <br />Statutes in regard to finding that this acquisition is a <br />public benefit have been met and agreed to continue <br />action on the contract until the Utilities Director <br />brings it back to the Board. <br />REQUEST FUNDING FOR DREDGING OF 14TH STREET CANAL <br />Chairman Scurlock informed the Board that a petition with <br />196 signatures has been received requesting a hearing in regard <br />to the problems with the 14th Street Canal. A sample of the <br />petition is as follows (The original petition is on file in the <br />Office of Clerk to the Board.) <br />APR 12 1988 <br />18 <br />BOOK 72 FACE 18 <br />