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able to get permits to apply to F.I.N.D. and also identify what <br />the county's part in this will be, which is about the best we can <br />do today. <br />Fred Pafenbach, president of Fairlane Harbor Mobile Home <br />Owners Association, stated that he at one time worked in a boat <br />yard in New Hampshire which had a problem with fill-in. They had <br />a small barge come in with a shovel and it took care of the <br />problem in just a few hours. <br />Chairman Scurlock explained that one of the problems is that <br />since the state has cracked down on the small dredge and fill <br />operators, most of them have gone out of business and mainly only <br />the Targe operators are left. <br />Director Davis confirmed that we have had no success <br />advertising competitively for dredging operators to do a small <br />job. <br />THE CHAIRMAN CALLED FOR THE QUESTION. <br />It was voted on and carried unanimously. <br />PRESENTATION BY FRIZZELL ARCHITECTS ON JAIL PHASE III <br />John Silver, partner with Frizzell Architects and project <br />manager, and Dalas Disney of Frizzell were present. Mr. Disney <br />made the presentation, referring to the following color -coded <br />site plan: <br />APR 121988 <br />25 <br />Boa 72 PAGE 25 <br />