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result in millions more for the additional personnel over the 30 <br />year life span. <br />Commissioner Eggert noted that the expense of shelling in an <br />area and then partially equipping the kitchen is must Tess than <br />if you keep on adding and adding. <br />Commissioner Bird wished to know if everything the <br />architects are showing on site is sufficient to accommodate the <br />eventual two final pods, more exercise area, more parking, etc. <br />Mr. Silver advised that there is an allowance for extra <br />parking area, and future Pods "E" and "F" are designed with <br />internal exercise yards. The booking area they are coming up <br />with now will suffice to get people into those pods. <br />Commissioner Bird asked about the dotted area shown <br />connecting the future pods, and was informed that was to be the <br />administration area for both pods and that they would anticipate <br />building Pod E and the center part at the same time. <br />Captain Bob Reese, Administrator of the Corrections <br />Division, informed the Board that they are serving 700-800 meats <br />a day now in a kitchen designed to serve 143 people. You can't <br />even turn around in there. He further noted that he had an <br />escape last night because the booking area was cut out of the <br />original plan. They cut these things out of the original plan, <br />and now we are having to replace them. <br />Chairman Scurlock did not understand this "we" and "they." <br />He did not believe this Board, or he, as a Commissioner, ever sat <br />here and specifically addressed all these items. He agreed the <br />Board may have said we want to build the jail for 4 million as <br />opposed to 10 million, but stressed that it was staff who was <br />selecting what to give up. <br />Capt. Reese agreed that the Board set the dollar amount and <br />the architect and the Committee had to choose what would be taken <br />out. <br />Commissioner Eggert commented that she would like to see us <br />go the other direction and put together what it would actually <br />APR 12 1988 <br />29 <br />BOOK 72 FACE 29 <br />