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cost to do this correctly. She believed it is the same problem <br />as the libraries where suddenly the budget wasn't making it. <br />Commissioner Wheeler pointed out that we are going to pick <br />up additional room for booking and also additional cell space. <br />It is kind of a swap -off, not just a total expenditure. <br />Capt. Reese advised that the isolation cells they asked in <br />the first specs were deleted and they had a suicide last week <br />because they had no place to put these kind of people. Last <br />night they had an escape out of the booking area because they <br />don't have the facilities to put them where they should be. Some <br />of the problems probably are in the design. He did not want to <br />blame any one party specifically, but they just need certain <br />facilities to operate in really regardless of the cost. <br />Chairman Scurlock did not to hear anyone say "regardless of <br />the cost." He pointed out that they actually did an excellent <br />job working out of the old jail, and now they have this brand new <br />state-of-the-art facility and are painting this picture of how <br />awful it is. <br />Capt. Reese stated that it is not awful, but he can't put <br />ten men in a five man cell. <br />Commissioner Eggert asked if there isn't something statewide <br />now that would allow us to provide less than 63 sq. ft. per <br />prisoner, and Mr. Silver advised that you can put two people in a <br />90 sq. ft. cell, but you still have to provide the same day room, <br />recreation space, etc., per inmate. <br />Commissioner Eggert noted they are proposing to remodel the <br />laundry to expand the clinic, and she wished to know if the. <br />laundry will do everything they wish done on site. <br />Mr. Silver advised that Phase 11 has laundry facilities in <br />it which are designed to provide services for these 3 pods, and <br />they will have more laundry facilities in Pod "E" when that is <br />constructed. They propose to expand the clinics to help the <br />county cut down on the cost of supervising inmates who can't be <br />part of the normal population of the jail but are not at the <br />30 <br />APR 121988 <br />BOOK 72 PAGE 30 <br />