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their professional staff and whatever consultants they may choose <br />(for example, the kitchen people); so, why do we have to pay an <br />additional cost to hire another expert. Frizzell didn't charge <br />extra for the kitchen consultant. He noted that he is not <br />saying we shouldn't do this, but he felt Frizzell should use the <br />consultant and not charge us. <br />Mr. Disney explained that Frizzell negotiated for a <br />performance specification and they will provide a performance <br />specification. They are not saying they won't do any of that; <br />they are just suggesting that if it goes the same route as Phase <br />II, and the contractor runs into problems which make the <br />construction process run lengthy, Frizzell will come back and ask <br />for the same thing they did on Phase I1. <br />Chairman Scurlock asked how many firms now specialize in <br />these type electronics, and Mr. Disney advised that Buford Goff <br />is the only one that he is aware of in the eastern United States. <br />Commissioner Eggert did not see why the architect needs <br />Buford Goff to write the specifications when they now know what <br />the mistakes were and what the gray areas were, and the Chairman <br />also did not see why it is necessary to go outside for expertise <br />now that we have been through the process and identified the <br />problems. <br />Commissioner Wheeler pointed out that an additional step <br />involved with this is to interface the electronics in all the <br />phases so they work together properly. While he also had a <br />question as to who should pay for this, he did think an <br />electronics specialist would be the way to go. Commissioner <br />Wheeler then reviewed the various problems we have encountered <br />during just one year of operation of the jail for which we have <br />had to spend about $10,000 for maintenance and repair and <br />believed it is obvious that having the subcontractor come in and <br />use whatever material they want, did not work well. <br />Commissioner Bird stated that he also probably would agree <br />that we need the services of Buford Goff, but his question is <br />APR 1988 <br />ih.__ <br />41 <br />BOOK 72 Du 41 <br />