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unclear in the performance specifications. Mr. Disney noted that <br />the $11,000 item Frizzell paid for was specifically that; they <br />feel that the county could have prevailed in having that <br />particular subcontractor provide the devices he was arguing <br />about, but at the time expediency was more important than <br />dollars, and to benefit the project and because there was a gray <br />area, Frizzell paid for that and got the components in there. <br />They had problems in Phase 11 in that the electronics contractor <br />simply requested clarification after clarification, delaying <br />until now we have a recommendation for $40,000 in final <br />liquidated damages. <br />Mr. Disney continued that in their current contract in Phase <br />111, they have exactly the same type of specification and what <br />they are suggesting is that they could do this design for the <br />actual components up front through a specialized consultant in <br />electronics, Buford Goff and Associates, a highly reputable <br />consulting firm from North Carolina, which firm has been in <br />business since 1969. The consultant would come in and speci- <br />fically design the electronic consoles and select the pieces and <br />parts the subcontractor is supposed to use. This would eliminate <br />the questions and give them to an extent a proprietary spec which <br />says the contractor must do this. Mr. Disney advised that <br />Frizzell feels a certain amount of this money they are asking the <br />county to spend is builtinto the contracts and is a hidden cost <br />because the design, which actually is done by the subcon- <br />tractors, now would be accomplished up front. He could not say <br />exactly what would be saved in construction costs but this would <br />certainly save a portion, and he believed would result in a <br />smoother flowing construction process since the county would have <br />an expert inthe electronics field who designs the system, deals <br />with the subcontractor, and checks during construction to verify <br />that everything that is supposed to be there is there. <br />Chairman Scurlock noted that the problem he is having is <br />that we hire the architect for their expertise, which includes <br />APR 121988 <br />40 <br />BM 72 FA GE 40 <br />