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Master Antenna Television Distribution System for phase <br />three addition only. Extension of the existing system <br />into the new facility is anticipated. <br />Public Address/Intercom Systems to support facility <br />functions. <br />Door Locking Control Systems to include logic <br />controllers, console control panels, relay control <br />panels, and conduit/wiring systems. Door hardware and <br />functional descriptions shall be provided by Frizzell or <br />its designated representative. Buford Goff & Associates, <br />Inc. shall be responsible for control circuits and <br />control panels to effect desired operational functions. <br />Consoles shall include design to house systems provided <br />under this section and shall provide coordination for <br />integrating security door control panels into the <br />console. <br />System Integration will include providing interface <br />points to existing security system installed in Phase <br />II. <br />RECOMMENDATION <br />It is recommended that the Board of County Commissioners approve <br />both Supplemental Service Agreements and authorize the Chairman to <br />execute them. <br />Chairman Scurlock did not believe any discussion is needed <br />on the deletion of all references to the services of Mr. <br />Pinkerton. With regard to retaining the services of Buford Goff <br />and Associates, however, he noted that the Board hired Frizzell <br />for their expertise in building jails, and he would like them to <br />explain why they are recommending additional expertise be hired <br />at .a cost of $32,000 plus another 10% for them and also why we <br />did not do that in Phase I and Phase 11. <br />Dalas Disney explained that in Phases 1 and 11 what they did <br />was a normal approach to electronics in a jail - they provided a <br />performance type of specification which outlines what the piece <br />of electronic equipment is supposed to do. They did not <br />specifically design the individual components or pieces or parts <br />of that; that was left up to the detention electronics sub- <br />contractor, who is a party to the general contractor's contract <br />with the county. In Phases 1 and 11, they discovered that a <br />tremendous amount of time and energy was being spent by these <br />sub -contractors to get around any area that might seem at all <br />39 <br />APR 12 1988 <br />BOOK 72 FACE 39 <br />