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ALTERNATIVES AND ANALYSIS <br />This proposal has been discussed with Fleet Management, Public <br />Works, and staffed at the department head staff meeting on <br />March 28, 1988. Fleet Management will provide a specific card <br />for each emergency vehicle for accounting purposes and provide <br />an access route to the fuel island on a twenty-four hour basis. <br />The Indian River County Volunteer Ambulance Squad will be billed <br />on a monthly basis for the fuel utilized at a price less than <br />the organization would have to pay if purchased from a retailer. <br />The alternatives would be for IRCVAS to purchase gas from a <br />local retail site or establish above the ground tanks at the <br />operating site of the squad. The first alternative is not <br />recommended since operating cost would increase 'for the squad <br />if the fuel is purchased on the open market combined with the <br />fact that available sources are not in close proximity to the <br />squad. Permitting for above or below ground fuel tanks is very <br />difficult due to environmental concerns which suggests the second <br />alternative is not feasible. <br />RECOMMENDATION <br />Staff recommends approval of the request for the Indian River <br />County Volunteer Ambulance Squad to utilize the cardlock fuel <br />distributing system at the County Yard and requests authority <br />to integrate the emergency provider into the system. <br />Commissioner Bird noted that we have been looking at <br />possible other uses for the old Jail site, and he, therefore, <br />asked if we couldn't just leave the tanks in place and let them <br />continue to get their fuel there as it is a lot more convenient. <br />Administrator Balczun pointed out there is the possibility <br />we may have to turn off the power off at the old Jail site in the <br />event we experience any difficulties. <br />Chairman Scurlock suggested there be a Motion broad enough <br />to allow them to utilize the fuel at either or both locations. <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Eggert, SECONDED by Com- <br />missioner Bird, the Board unanimously authorized <br />IRCVAS to utilize the fuel pumps at the old Jail <br />site as long as the fuel is available, and if for <br />any reason, it is unavailable at that site, <br />authorized them to utilize the fuel pumps at the <br />County complex. <br />7 <br />APR 121988 <br />BOOK .72 Fa E 07 <br />