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that won't function, or is the problem due to the fact that ECSI <br />is not getting paid. <br />Administrator Balczun could not say that the equipment was <br />poorly designed and just won't function. <br />Commission Eggert had understood that we were being asked to <br />get a consultant because the specifications weren't adequate, but <br />now we are hearing that there was nothing wrong with the <br />equipment and the sub -subcontractor stonewalled because he was <br />not being paid. <br />Commissioner Wheeler believed that Schopke has been holding <br />a gun to our head through this whole thing, and that there was <br />some improper design in Phase Il. Some equipment was delivered <br />that wouldn't fit in the control room, and they were also slow in <br />delivering which was part of the liquidated damages. However, <br />when we were willing to negotiate that and cut some of that cost, <br />they did not have any problem in getting the equipment here. <br />Commissioner Eggert asked Commissioner Wheeler if he feels <br />the problem with specs is large enough to go out and get this <br />other consultant, and Chairman Scurlock interjected that this <br />consultant would not be an independent third party, but a direct <br />employee of Frizzell Architects. <br />Commissioner Wheeler emphasized that Bufford Goff would be a <br />third party, as far as design and electronics for the Jail is <br />concerned. Frizzell is our architect and should be protecting <br />our interests. That is what we are paying them for, and we are <br />not paying them to protect the interests of the sub -contractor. <br />Chairman Scurlock wished to state for the record that he has <br />some serious questions about Frizzell's ability to represent the <br />county, because he did not think that they are the best that we <br />can have. <br />Discussion ensued regarding Frizzell's responsibility to the <br />County from the very beginning for the improper design of <br />acoustics, no drains on the second floor, no conduits to the <br />APR 19 19 <br />.• <br />12 <br />KU 72 PAGE 93 <br />