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In further discussion re philosophy, mission and culture, <br />Mr. Blankenship believed the word "philosophy" was a misnomer; it <br />was not the philosophy of the county, but rather of the pay plan <br />and the mechanism of it. <br />Ms. Adkins noted that unfortunately philosophy is sort of <br />the textbook compensation jargon word for what you mean when we <br />talk about do you want to pay the market or not. <br />Chairman Scurlock commented that personally his feeling is <br />that the culture of the county is that we don't believe much in <br />these studies because we haven't had a good one in the past, and <br />Ms. Deeb noted they were made aware that was part of the <br />challenge they were presented with. <br />Ms. Deeb then went over the blue book handed out, explaining <br />that it is the synthesis of the materials they put together. <br />Administrator Balczun asked that Ms. Deeb define for the <br />record what the Exempt and Non-exempt structures mean. <br />Ms. Deeb clarified that a non-exempt job, under the Fair <br />Labor Standards Act, is one where you are required to pay <br />overtime, and the exempt jobs do not have to be paid overtime. <br />Various questions ensued, and Commissioner Eggert asked <br />about the scope of jobs as she believed we removed recreation <br />trom the Director of Leisure Services. <br />Mr. Blankenship believed that is probably the one title they <br />forgot to change, and it should be Director of Golf. <br />Ms. Deeb next presented the implementation alternatives and <br />their recommendation: <br />APR 211988 <br />11 <br />BOOK 72 PAGE 144 <br />