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RECOMMENDATION <br />Based on the above analysis, including the Planning and Zoning <br />Commission's recommendation and the Transportation Planning <br />Committee's recommendation, staff recommends approval of these <br />changes to the Thoroughfare Plan as an amendment to the <br />Transportation Element of the Comprehensive Plan. <br />Director Keating advised there is a recognition of the fact <br />that certain developments have occurred within areas where roads <br />have been planned in the past, and that's the reason for some <br />collector roads being eliminated. The request by the Windsor <br />Polo Club, for instance, relates to the deleting of subdivision <br />collector roads in the north barrier island that were initially <br />proposed to ensure that tracts that did not have access to A -1-A <br />had an alternate access other than Jungle Trail, and staff feels <br />that is accomplished by the development that is proposed, which <br />will consolidate all that land. <br />Commissioner Eggert noted that there have been a lot of <br />questions as to how this change will affect Jungle Trail. <br />Director Keating stated that this will have no affect on <br />Jungle Trail at alt. Just the very top portion of Jungle Trail <br />was on as a collector road before, and it now will be a <br />subdivision collector road. The rest of Jungle Trail has no <br />designation right now; so, it will remain a local road, and it is <br />an historic scenic road. <br />Commissioner Bowman inquired what he meant by the top <br />portion, and Director Keating explained it is the very north part <br />that goes due west from A -1-A and south and ends just a few <br />hundred feet down - a little further than the curve in the road. <br />He emphasized that the purpose of the change is to make sure some <br />tracts up there that don't have access are provided access to <br />A -1-A. <br />The Chairman asked if anyone wished to be heard. <br />Hazel Crews, 1135 20th Avenue, came before the Board <br />representing the Historical Society. Mrs. Crews explained that <br />the problem they have with designating portions of Jungle Trail a <br />16 <br />APP 2 6 '1988 <br />!' ° p o r. 175 <br />