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TO: Charles P. Balczun DATE: April 13, 1988 FILE: <br />County Administrator <br />DIVISION HEAD CONCURRENCE: <br />Robert M. Kea ing ICP <br />Planning & D velopment Director <br />SUBJECT: STENGER/U.S.1/34TH PART- <br />NERSHIP REQUEST FOR RE- <br />ZONING OF 9.17 ACRES FROM <br />RM -6 TO CG <br />THRU: Gary Schindler .PIAP/ <br />Chief, Long -Range Planning <br />FROM: David C. Nearing REFERENCES: <br />Staff Planner <br />It is requested that the data herein presented be given formal <br />consideration by the Board of County Commissioners at their <br />regular meeting.of April 26, 1988. <br />DESCRIPTION & CONDITIONS <br />This is a combined request to rezone two separate parcels of land <br />equaling 9.17 acres from RM -6, Multi -Family Residential District <br />(up to 6 units/acre) to CG, General Commercial. The first parcel <br />is a 1.34 acre parcel of land situated approximately 800 feet <br />south of 36th Street and east of a strip of land extending 200 <br />feet east of U.S. 1 lying within the City of Vero Beach. This. <br />property is owned by Daryl and Jess Stenger. The second parcel <br />is approximately 7.8 acres in size, lying approximately 1325 feet <br />south of 36th Street and east of the 200 foot strip of land under <br />City jurisdiction. This parcel is owned by the U.S. 1/34th <br />Partnership. <br />The applicants intend to develop their properties for light <br />commercial uses. <br />On March 10, 1988, the Planning and Zoning Commission voted <br />unanimously to recommend approval of this request. <br />ALTERNATIVES & ANALYSIS <br />In this section, an analysis of the reasonableness of the appli- <br />cation will be presented. The analysis will include a descrip- <br />tion of the current and future land uses of the site and sur- <br />rounding areas, potential impacts on the transportation and <br />utility systems, and any significant adverse impacts on environ- <br />mental quality. <br />Existing Land Use Pattern <br />Parcel 1 is currently vacant and zoned RM -6. The property north, <br />east, and south of parcel 1 under County jurisdiction is also <br />vacantand zoned RM -6. Further south of the subject parcel <br />within County jurisdiction is a vacant parcel currently zoned CG. <br />This parcel was the subject of a past comprehensive plan/zoning <br />amendment. which established this property as MXD, Mixed Use <br />District. To the west of the subject property are several single <br />family residences within the City and currently zoned C -1B, <br />General Commercial Trades. <br />Parcel 2 is also currently vacant and zoned RM -6, as is the land <br />to the east. The property north of the subject parcel is also <br />vacant and zoned RM -6. However, this property is also currently <br />under •consideration for a rezoning .to CG. The property west <br />within the City is currently zoned C -1B. South of the subject <br />parcel is the R.D. Carter Subdivision situated within the City of <br />Vero Beach, containing single family residences and zoned <br />RM -10/12, Multi -Family Residential District (up to 10-12 <br />units/acre). <br />25 <br />APR 2 6 1988 <br />• Fae ' ` E.184 <br />