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Future Land Use Pattern <br />Both parcels being considered for rezoning are located within an <br />area where a comprehensive plan amendment was recently approved <br />redesignating the area from MD -1 to MXD. <br />Parcel 1 is currently designated by the Comprehensive Plan as <br />MXD, Mixed Use District (allowing up to 6 units/acre). The land <br />north is also designated as MXD, and further north approximately <br />110 feet is the Medical Node. The land immediately south of <br />parcel 1 is MXD, and the parcel south of that zoned CG is MXD. <br />The property lying within the City has a Commercial land use <br />designation. <br />Parcel 2 and all land east and immediately north is currently <br />MXD. The land south in the R.D. Carter Subdivision is designated <br />by the City's Comprehensive Plan as Medium Density. The land <br />west along U.S. 1 situated within the City has a Commercial land <br />use designation. <br />Transportation System <br />The subject parcels currently have no direct access. However, <br />access can be gained to U.S. 1 across adjacent parcels situated <br />within the City, which are under common ownership. <br />U.S. 1 is classified as an arterial road on the County's <br />Thoroughfare Plan. Currently, this section of U.S. 1 is operating <br />at a Level -of -Service (LOS) "C" or better. However, when the <br />State Department of Community Affairs reviewed the recent comp <br />plan amendment for this area (changing the land use to MXD), the <br />DCA did express concern over the status of U.S. 1. The DOT, <br />through the DCA, recommended that traffic impact studies be <br />required of any development which occurs in this area. <br />Currently, County Code requires that any use which generates over <br />1000 average annual daily trips, or is located in a critical <br />transportation corridor, can be required to perform an impact <br />study. The County Traffic Engineer feels that, based on the DOT <br />comment, this section of U.S. 1 does qualify as -a critical <br />corridor. <br />Environment <br />This area is not considered environmentally sensitive, nor is it <br />designated as flood prone. <br />Utilities <br />This area is currently serviced by City sewer and water <br />facilities. <br />RECOMMENDATION <br />Based on the analysis performed, staff recommends approval. <br />26 <br />APR 2 6 1988 <br />BOOK 72 0 E 185 <br />