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VERO BEACH PRESS -JOURNAL <br />Published Daily <br />Vero Beach, Indian River County, Florida <br />COUNTY OF INDIAN RIVER: STATE OF FLORIDA <br />Before the undersigned authority personally appeared J. J. Schumann, Jr. who on oath <br />says that he is Business Manager of the Vero Beach Press -Journal, a daily newspaper published <br />at Vero Beach in Indian River County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being <br />a NGc.1 <br />in the matter of IE7; ' t 6 1 SW'i.4z) <br />in the Court, was pub- <br />lished in said newspaper in the issues of <br />Iffy <br />Affiant further says that the said Vero Beach Press -Journal is a newspaper published at <br />Vero Beach, in said Indian River County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore <br />been continuously published in said Indian River County, Florida, each daily and has been <br />entered as second class mail matter at th9 post office in Vero Beach, in said Indian River Coun- <br />ty, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of <br />advertisement; and affiant further says that he has neither paid nor promised any person, firm <br />or corporation any discount, r9bate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this <br />advertisement for publication in the said newspaper. <br />Sworn to and subscribed bef e me this : v day of� A D 19 d <br />fr <br />sc5 <br />(SEAL) <br />'yy <br />rj_ it.taisr Z„ 73'1 <br />(Clerk of the Circuit Court, Indian River County, Florida) <br />siness Manager) <br />7-8-e <br />NOTICE - PUBLIC HEARINGI <br />Notice of hearing to consider the adoption 01 <br />s County ordinance rezoning land from: RM -8,' ! <br />:Multi le -Family Residential District to CG, Oen <br />:Aral Commerical District he subject propety Is <br />presently le .presently owned,' by,Ronald and <br />Sharon•Hatala and is located East of U.S. Hi h- <br />way 1 and approximately -120D South of 36th.-. <br />Street ,-r: F sem" <br />The SubjeCt property fed -Med as <br />From the intersection otthe South line0f <br />the J.A.Fisher. property and the Bast line <br />'of the right'01 way of the Dixie Highway Irr <br />which point Is established by a;'4 Inch <br />concrete monument, go„`105 0 feet• <br />Southeasterly direction on Ids' <br />line o1 said right of way (or pohit of <br />beginning-' thence op3 0°et South <br />thence' easterlygoo die East 588.5ee encs x• <br />due North 150.0 feet to the South ltne 0f <br />said' J A '. Fisher property, thence°;'duer`11 <br />,Went 450.0 feet along, said South lineS10 <br />the East line 'Of the Frank A home, <br />"Tract, thence South 1.00 0 Teat (`along ` <br />"said East line, thence; due West'1547 <br />feet to the point of beginnlrfg Less ams' <br />excepting the Westemmosl 200 <br />�;ying <br />within ths''city iimIts of Vero Mach`„,' <br />da Said tract of lanai being Iodated , , <br />In the Northeast ,ti of Section 35 -Town.. , <br />ship 32 South' Range 39 East, lndlan i' 7' <br />River County Florida �� "i`I' G �'�`' <br />blic'hearing at whtoh <br />and ' cttlzena than have an,,bpportunhit <br />'heard,' will be held by the Boardaf CountyrCom-: <br />. ; tnlssioners of lndiah River County Florida to the <br />County Commtsslon Chandlers 01 the <br />Adation7Suild loiatelif at 1840 25 <br />Street, Vero Beach, Fio,lda, on Tuesday, Aprt <br />1988at mos itd�sa' <br />•`he Board of County Comfilsstoners ' my <br />recommend *Iasi zoning diidrict than <br />district requested provided”'1* is <br />generat use s i'PlUi` s s b v� <br />Anyone whowlsh to appeal 'dectslon <br />which may be' at thls meeting 't need. tom' <br />ensure that a verbatim record 01the prOnn dings <br />is made, whichinctudes t8010105y aril ftp <br />'apon which_the tappeal wwill�be based. <br />Indian Rvar>County i , > F ', hr <br />hirr Board of CountyCrommissioners: <br />By -s -Don C ScurWok, �Ir , C <br />x;,1888 <br />Staff Planner Nearing made the staff presentation, noting <br />that this is the identical situation as the preceding agenda <br />item: <br />L 1 APR 26 1988 <br />C\ <br />30 BOOK 72 pAGF 189 <br />