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TO: Charles P. Balczun <br />County Administrator <br />DIVISION HEAD CONCURRENCE: <br />R•`:ert M. Keati •. A <br />Planning & Developme <br />DATE: April 13, 1988 FILE: <br />SUBJECT: APPEAL BY APPLICANT OF A <br />COUNTY INITIATED REQUEST <br />TO AMEND THE LAND USE <br />AND ZONING DESIGNATION <br />FOR UP TO 17.9 ACRES OF <br />LAND LOCATED AT THE <br />TRANCE TO VISTA ROYAL <br />REFERENCEbii,RDENS <br />Director <br />THRU: Gary Schindler <br />FRO"C„h���.ief, Long -Range Planning <br />David C. Nearing <br />Staff Planner <br />It is requested that the data herein presented be given formal <br />consideration by the Board of County Commissioners at their <br />regular meeting of April 26, 1988. <br />DESCRIPTION & CONDITIONS <br />This is an appeal by the Planning Staff of a decision made on <br />March 10, 1988 by the Planning and Zoning Commission concerning a <br />request, initiated by the Board of County Commissioners, to <br />consider amending the land use/zoning designation for up to 17.9 <br />acres of land. This request is to redesignate all or a portion <br />of the subject property from U.S. 1 Commercial Corridor to MD -2, <br />Medium Density Residential 2 (allowing up to 10 units/acre), and <br />to concurrently rezone the affected portion from CL, Limited <br />Commercial to RM -10, Multi -Family Residential District (up to 10 <br />units/acre). The subject property is situated along U.S. 1 south <br />of the Indian River Boulevard at the access to Vista Royal <br />Gardens. <br />On January 23, 1988, the Board of County Commissioners considered <br />a request by the residents of Vista Gardens that the County <br />initiate a downzoning of the subject property. After <br />considerable discussion, the Board determined that the concerns <br />of the affected citizens warranted the County to:reexamine the - <br />status of this property. As a result, the Board directed the <br />staff to initiate the land use plan amendment/rezoning process <br />for ten acres of the subject property. Because the Board did not <br />specify which ten acres to consider and to allow maximum <br />flexibility in designating an appropriate area, the staff <br />advertised the entire site as under consideration for action. <br />On March 10, 1988, the Planning and Zoning Commission voted 4-2 <br />to deny this request. The Commissioners felt that commercial <br />zoning was appropriate for the entire 17+ acres and should be <br />retained. The staff has appealed this request in order to permit <br />the Board of County Commissioners, by whose directive this <br />action was initiated, a chance to review this request. <br />Chronology of Past Events <br />Because of the extensive zoning/land use history of this site, <br />a brief chronology and follow-up graphic support document has <br />been included with this item. This material references action <br />concerning this parcel and adjacent property` back to 1969. <br />Becauserecords are incomplete prior to this date, no reference <br />is made to action occurring before 1969. However, as shown in the <br />chronology, all or part of this property has been zoned <br />commercial since 1969. <br />ALTERNATIVES & ANALYSIS <br />In this section, an analysis of <br />cation will be presented. The <br />tion of the current and future <br />APR 2 6 1988 <br />the reasonableness of the appli- <br />analysis will include a descrip- <br />land uses of the site and sur - <br />BOOK <br />w E 203 <br />