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rounding areas, potential impacts on the transportation and <br />utility systems, and any significant adverse impacts on environ- <br />mental quality. <br />Existing Land Use Pattern <br />The subject parcel is currently vacant land zoned CL. To the <br />north , across Indian River Boulevard, is a Zippy Mart, radiator <br />shop and the Wal-Mart zoned CG, General Commercial and to the <br />south is a commercial plaza zoned CL. To the west is U.S. 1. To <br />the east are the Vista Garden Villas zoned RM -10. <br />The subject property was the subject of a site plan approval <br />request. Submitted initially in July of 1987, the site plan <br />application proposed uses compatible with the existing CL zoning <br />of the site. Because of a number of staff concerns and resulting_ <br />plan revisions, no action was taken on the request until March <br />10, 1988. At their March 10, 1988 meeting, the Planning and <br />Zoning Commission denied the site plan request. On April 5, <br />1988, the Board of County Commissioners reviewed an appeal by the <br />applicants of the site plan. The Board upheld the Planning and <br />Zoning Commission's decision based on traffic and safety <br />concerns. <br />Future Land Use Pattern <br />The Comprehensive Plan designates the subject property as U.S. 1 <br />Commercial Corridor. The property north across the boulevard <br />also lies within the corridor. To the south lies the South <br />Relief Canal with the next 360 feet of property also lying within <br />the corridor; all land east of the U.S. 1 Commercial.Corridor <br />is designated MD -2, Medium Density Residential 2 (allowing up to <br />10 units/acre). The property immediately east of the subject <br />parcel also lies within the MD -2 district. <br />Transportation System <br />The subject parcel currently has frontage on U.S. 1, classified <br />on the Thoroughfare Plan as an arterial road. The site also has <br />minimal frontage on Indian River Boulevard, also classified as an <br />arterial. Located within the north end of this site is the <br />private access drive to the Vista Royal Gardens development. <br />Currently, this portion of U.S. 1 is operating at a marginal <br />Level -of -Service "E" during the peak season. Level -of -Service E <br />is characterized by lower operating speeds than permissible, <br />limited freedom to maneuver, with occasional restricted flow. <br />Critical maneuvers at this level of service, such as left turns, <br />are often restricted. Reduction or elimination of commercial <br />property at this location would not substantially improve current <br />conditions; however, it would limit potential impacts due to new <br />development. <br />Even though this site is not suited for larger scale commercial <br />development due to traffic constraints, it is possible that some <br />limited commercial development could act as a beneficial buffer <br />between the adverse traffic impacts of U.S. 1 and the F.E.>C. <br />Railroad and the residential to the west. Such adverse impacts <br />as noise and odor could be screened out from the residentialarea <br />to the east by the structures involved in a commercial develop- <br />ment. <br />Environment <br />The site is not considered to be environmentally sensitive, nor <br />is it located in a flood prone area. <br />Utilities <br />The site currently has access to public water and sewer <br />facilities. <br />45 <br />L APR 2 6 1988 <br />BOOK 72 `', E 2O4 <br />