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Analysis <br />In reviewing this request, staff considered the historic zoning <br />activity of the subject parcel, specifically the fact that there <br />has always been a minimum of 600 feet of commercial zoning at <br />this location, and the fact that in 1983 the owners successfully <br />regained their commercial land use designation which had been <br />lost when the Comprehensive Plan was approved in 1982. When that <br />land use change was considered in 1983, the staff opposed the <br />change to commercial. However, at that time, conditions were <br />much different. Wal-Mart, Royale Gardens Plaza, and Indian River <br />Boulevard did not exist. In addition, Vista Development had <br />several other requests for commercial land use changes in the <br />area under consideration at the time. <br />In reviewing this request, several factors should be considered. <br />First, it should be noted that the subject property is surrounded <br />by commercially zoned lands on two sides - with those sides <br />having developed commercial uses. Second, the property abutting <br />the subject parcel on the east side is residential, and the <br />principal access for that residential property is over an ease- <br />ment through the subject property. Third, high traffic volumes <br />on both U.S. 1 and Indian River Boulevard have resulted in an <br />unacceptable level of service in the area. Allowing a large <br />traffic generator/attractor in this location could exacerbate <br />these problems. <br />Conclusion <br />Staff feels that amending the land use and zoning for the entire <br />parcel is not warranted. However, a decrease in the commercial <br />acreage would be beneficial. A reduction to approximately 10+ <br />acres of commercial zoning/land use at this site would substan- <br />tially reduce future traffic impacts, allow for additional buffer <br />of the adjacent residential uses, reduce noise and visual impacts <br />on a major portion of the Vista Royal Gardens development, yet <br />maintain commercial zoning on that part of the property that <br />abuts commercial on two sides. <br />In order to reduce the commercial land use/zoning to approxi- <br />mately 10 acres for this site, the depth of the zoning east of <br />U.S. 1 would have to be decreased from an average of 600 feet to <br />400 feet. This would decrease the acreage from its current 17.92 <br />acres to 10.5 acres. This reduction to 400 feet would correspond <br />with the ,commercial plaza to the south which has a depth of 360 <br />feet. <br />RECOMMENDATION <br />Based on the analysis performed, and despite the decision of the <br />Planning and Zoning Commission, staff recommends that the Board <br />of County Commissioners transmit to the DCA the following: <br />The land use designation and zoning of the subject <br />property be retained for the first 400 feet east of <br />U.S. 1, equaling approximately 10.5 acres, and that the <br />land -use designation for the remaining easternmost 7.4 <br />acres be changed from Commercial to MD -2, and that this <br />acreage be rezoned from CL to RM -10. <br />APR 2 6 1988 <br />46 <br />Boos ` 4 F` % 205 <br />