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Commissioner Eggert asked how staff's recommendation affects <br />the desire of some people in the area to protect more of the <br />Jungle Gardens. <br />Planner Nearing advised that it would reduce the depth by <br />200' and some of the denser vegetation is towards the rear. Up <br />towards U.S.I, there is a large area which is rather vacant. <br />Director Keating pointed out that the alternate is that the <br />back property is going to be residential, and he did not think <br />any substantial amount of vegetation will be protected if it is <br />developed in any manner. <br />Commissioner Bowman took issue with the statement that <br />buildings clean air and stressed that it is trees that clean air. <br />The Chairman asked if anyone wished to be heard. <br />Attorney O'Haire came before the Board representing Vista <br />Properties, owners of the property under discussion, and <br />reiterated that they are here under protest and feel the notice <br />was defective and has been prejudicial to them. He continued <br />that, in the scramble to prepare for today's hearing, they have <br />been able to obtain the services of Mr. Jim Park of the firm of <br />Gee & Jensen. He is a land planner who has been involved in both <br />the private and public sectors. <br />Mr. O'Haire wished to point out that the property immedi- <br />ately adjacent to them to the north is also zoned and planned for <br />commercial, and that is not being considered today even though it <br />is adjacent, which he felt highlights the prejudicial nature of <br />considering his client's property in the interests not so much of <br />fairness, but of political expediency. <br />Commissioner Wheeler wished to know what property Attorney <br />O'Haire is referring to and was advised it is the sliver between <br />them and Indian River Boulevard known as the Schlitt piece. <br />There was much hooting from the audience, and the Chairman <br />asked that they refrain from comment until they can be formally <br />recognized. <br />47 <br />APR 26• <br />BooF 72s yr20C <br />