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Attorney O'Haire introduced Planner Jim Park, who informed <br />the Board that he has over 25 years experience as a Planning <br />Director for cities and also as a planning consultant to <br />municipalities and to private developments. Mr. Park stated that <br />during that time he has developed some very deep convictions and <br />concerns about the efficacy of land use regulation as it is <br />practiced around the country, and he tries to be a constructive <br />advisor in how to bring about appropriate equitable land use <br />regulatory decisions. He would like to talk about what he <br />considers to be the relevant theory, practice and philosophy of <br />land use regulation in a growing community such as in Indian <br />River County. Obviously, you need to tailor your land use, <br />theory and practice to the conditions you have, and Mr. Park <br />stated that he is quite familiar with the conditions affecting <br />Indian River County. <br />Chairman Scurlock asked Mr. Park what part philosophy plays <br />in all that. <br />Mr. Parks stressed that zoning is not a refined science; it <br />is an art, and you have to blend together some concept of what a <br />community wants to be. The community usually represents that in <br />its Comprehensive Plan, and it, in effect, is a philosophy of a <br />kind of community. <br />The Chairman believed a big part of Mr. Park's job when he <br />is working either with a municipal client or a developer would be <br />to identify the philosophy of his client first and then proceed <br />to develop a plan. <br />Mr. Park stated not at all. As he said, it is a blend, and <br />he believed his first reference to philosophy was the philosophy <br />of the city. Your public policy making relates only to the <br />public's interest, and that is protected by the Administration's <br />rules and regulations. As Administrations change, this philos- <br />ophy may change accordingly and may result in amending your <br />Comprehensive Plan. The point is that amendment process has to <br />be related to new findings of public interest. Zoning must meet <br />APR 26 198 <br />48 <br />BOOK 72 E' ,F.207 <br />