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1983, we did not have an existing Indian River Boulevard there; <br />so, there are changes in facts and conditions in addition to the <br />misrepresentations made back then. <br />Attorney Lloyd did not believe the planning philosophy in <br />Fort Lauderdale is necessarily the same as it is in Vero Beach, <br />and noted that even if we have something like the development to <br />the south of the south relief canal, we would have smaller shops <br />and something that is more controllable. <br />Attorney Bruce Barkett came before the Board representing <br />the Vista Civic Association. He also was interested in hearing <br />Mr. Park describe himself as an outsider with no interest in this <br />whatsoever, and wondered if that was so, why he was here. <br />Attorney Barkett also spoke of the promise made to have something <br />like the Village Shops, and noted that now in 1988 this applicant <br />has come forward with something which does not even resemble what <br />was promised in 1983. Attorney Barkett informed the Board that <br />his group is here to support the staff recommendation to amend <br />the Land Use designation to MD -2 for part of this parcel. He <br />did agree, however, with Mr. Park's statement that 600' is a <br />better depth for development of a commercial site, and suggested <br />that possibly it would be better to divide the property in <br />question north and south, making the south half the commercial <br />portion. He felt by making a 400' strip along U.S.1, we would be <br />more or less saying our philosophy is that we like what is being <br />done in .Fort Pierce along U.S.1. as you enter from the north. <br />Attorney Barkett alsosuggested that the PRO District would allow <br />for more flexibility in site plan, greater preservation of trees <br />and reduction in traffic intensity. They feel either or both of <br />these alternatives in conjunction would reduce the congestion at <br />the intersection of Indian River Boulevard and U:S.I., prevent <br />co -mingling of traffic, preserve many trees and break up the line <br />of commercial development on U.S.1. <br />Harold Putnam appeared representing McKee Jungle Gardens <br />Preservation Society, Inc. He advised that they now have about <br />APR 2 6 j9 <br />53 <br />BOOK <br />72 F [212 <br />