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The Chairman noted that the recommendation is to pave by a <br />forced assessment, and his question is whether the end of 134th <br />Street will then be closed permanently or open on Sundays. He <br />understood the request is to pave it and then close it, but we <br />don't want the parishioners in here all upset if they can't get <br />to the church on Sunday. <br />Director Davis advised that staff's position is that if it <br />is closed, it should be closed in a proper manner with reflector <br />lights and a fixed barricade. <br />Discussion continued at length as to whether the desire was <br />to have it\paved and then barricaded only on weekdays, and <br />Administrator Balczun suggested'that maybe we can do both - have <br />a proper end treatment which can be locked during the week and <br />open on Sundays. <br />Director Davis pointed out there are several issues. One is <br />whether we can assess the church because the church is in the <br />Sebastian City limits and has a very small frontage on that <br />roadway. He, therefore, was not sure we could assess the church <br />a major portion unless it was on some basis of traffic impact, <br />which would require a study. <br />Chairman Scurlock noted that he got the impression the <br />church is willing to participate, but that they want the access <br />on Sundays. He believed this all should be resolved before the <br />Board gives authorization for any assessment. <br />Director Davis advised that he has talked with Father Joe, <br />and he does not want it closed seven days a week. <br />Commissioner Eggert inquired where the church touches on <br />134th St., and Director Davis explained that the church owns <br />Block 53 and the R/W that is cross -hatched, as well as the land <br />in Block 21 through to U.S.1. <br />Commissioner Bird believed the church would be assessed for <br />Block 53, and Director Davis pointed out that actually Block 53 <br />fronts on Short Street. <br />APR 26 1988 <br />68 <br />NOIC <br />.227 « <br />