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Administrator Balczun believed any assessment would almost <br />have to be by contract since the church is within the Sebastian <br />city limits. <br />Commissioner Bird suggested we have staff meet with the <br />church. <br />Barbara Picard informed the Board that she owns property on <br />134th Street, and this is the first she has heard of this <br />request. Mrs. Picard stated that they never had any problem with <br />that street until the Catholic Street was built, and she felt <br />they should be responsible for the whole paving, or at least,$a <br />substantial portion of it. She personally felt that if the <br />street were closed off, the property owners would be very happy <br />with the dirt road. <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Eggert, SECONDED by Com- <br />missioner Bird, the Board unanimously tabled further <br />discussion on the above matter until staff can work <br />on it further. <br />Director Davis asked if he is supposed to work with the <br />church and with the residents on the street. <br />Chairman Scurlock believed we first should go to the church <br />and see if they are really interested in having the street paved <br />and paying a substantial portion and then see what Mr. Fisher <br />will do since he is the one making the request. He believed the <br />residents themselves don't care about the paving so much, but <br />just would like to have it blocked off. <br />Director Davis asked if the Board's basic position is that <br />if the church does not consent to assist in the paving, then we <br />probably would barricade the street, and this was confirmed. <br />AWARD BID #426 - WATER & WASTEWASTER MATERIALS <br />The Board reviewed memo of Purchasing Manager Ambler: <br />69 <br />AP 2 1988Boo 72 i sF 228 <br />