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DISCUSSION OF PERSONNEL CLASSIFICATION AND SALARY SURVEY STUDY <br />Chairman Scurlock noted that he had added to the agenda <br />today discussion to clarify the Board's position in regard to the <br />presentation made on the recent study done re personnel <br />classification and salaries. He believed after the presentation <br />made by the consultants that the mood of the Commissioners was <br />that the blue collar portion of it was somewhat acceptable, but <br />that there were some significant questions about the study. He <br />realized there has been a lot of reaction to the proposed plan, <br />and he just wanted to say that the Board has not accepted this as <br />the final document as it needs some fine tuning. Commissioner <br />Eggert believed it may need even more than fine tuning because <br />she is concerned not only about the philosophy used, but the job <br />evaluation levels. <br />Commissioner Bird asked how our contract reads if we start <br />making significant demands for additional data from the <br />consultant, and Administrator Balczun stated that he would have <br />to reread it. <br />Commissioner Eggert felt they would need to come and clarify <br />what they have done and why. She did not accept the premise that <br />has been handed us, which is that all government does it this <br />way; therefore, it is right. <br />Chairman Scurlock believed the market survey leaves plenty <br />of questions, and noted some analysis he has done of comparisons <br />he obtained by calling around clearly indicates there is a <br />discrepancy. <br />Discussion followed about a possible workshop, and Chairman <br />Scurlock noted that he met yesterday with Administrator Balczun <br />and Personnel Director Blankenship about some concerns. If you <br />look just at the white collar workers portion and look at - <br />positions, not people, he believed there are some glaring <br />inconsistencies, and he wants them to come here and justify how <br />they got to that point. <br />75 <br />APR 2 s 7988 <br />BOOK 72 Fr1UE 234 <br />